Sunday, November 2, 2014


Since I've really gotten into all this papercraft crap, I've wanted to find other uses for the stamps. One thing I've come up with is magnets. Using flat magnets, like those you sometimes find with business cards, you can make very pretty images.

I got these large flat magnets in some craft kit ages ago, and had yet to find a use for them. So I took some cardstock that I liked, and Mod Podged it on. It's very pretty, despite my poor cutting job, but kind of impersonal.

So I pulled out this Winnie the Pooh stamp I had, and thought it would be great to make into a magnet for my niece to hang her artwork on the fridge. I used StazOn so the Mod Podge wouldn't make it run, and colored it with colored pencils.

Here's the finished magnet, plus two more that I made for others.

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